8, 2002
To Whom it May Concern:
This recommendation is in
support of Mr. Jacob Joshua Dick as he applies for a new position.
I have known Mr. Dick for about half a year as a student, but have
evaluated his work during his Masters Program at Cardinal Stritch University
over the past two years.
From reviewing Mr. Dick’s work I have found it to be creative and professional. He strives to improve himself to learn more about technology, and has an understanding of technology, which allows him to explore different ways of doing things. His work has always been very well done. Josh has always made the effort to go beyond what was expected.
During the Masters Program, Josh’s projects were presented clearly and enthusiastically to his peers. He worked well with his study. In class he was seen as a team player. As an individual when Josh was pushed for time to meet a deadline he still managed to accomplish the goals.
I am positive he will be a quality addition to your team.
Linda L. Simmons, Ph.D.
Department of Educational Computing